Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

Feedback from the regional workshop: Trends, experiences and socio-economic impact on formalization of informal trade in Africa with a focus on women small traders


A workshop to validate the findings of the study on “Trends, experiences and socio-economic impact on formalization of informal trade in Africa with a focus on women small traders” took place from 22 to 23 May 2017 in Kigali, Rwanda, under the framework of the Multi-Partner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM/GLO/103/MUL) “Enable women to benefit more equally from agri-food value chains”. The study was conducted by CUTS International with technical supervision from FAO as part of extensive work on small-scale trade in the Africa Region (with focus on East Africa), which FAO started in 2013. In light of the role women informal cross-border traders play in poverty reduction, employment and wealth creation in Africa, the workshop aimed at sharing best practices and lessons from East Africa, West Africa and Southern Africa on how to formalize Informal Cross-Border Trade (ICBT) with a focus on women, and counted on participants from government, civil society and private sector from across the African continent. The workshop identified a number of concrete recommendations for public institutions and private sector actors, and framed strategies for using the study as a tool for implementation.

Language: English
Location: Rwanda

The News item's focus in terms of:
General Africa, Rwanda
Topics: SFVC development in general, Job creation and enhanced livelihoods, Wealth accumulation, Gender equity, Public-private partnership (Cross-sectional)