Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

IFAD Results from the Field Series Issue 1


The “Results from the Field” Series presents key results and lessons emerging from IFAD-funded projects and programmes. The purpose of the series is to make these results easily accessible to policy and decision makers, development practitioners and researchers, so that IFAD's extensive experience can inform the design and implementation of policies and operations in the agriculture and rural sectors. This Issue 1 presents and analyses experiences from the following IFAD-funded projects and programmes: (i) Brazil: Sustainable Development Project for Agrarian Reform; Settlements in the semi-arid North-east (Dom Hélder Câmara Project); (ii) China: South Gansu Poverty Reduction Programme; (iii) Ghana: Rural Enterprises Programme; (iv) Morocco: Rural Development Project in the Mountain Zones of Al-Haouz Province; and (v) Uganda: Vegetable Oil Development Project.

Language: English

The News item's focus in terms of:
Morocco, Uganda, Brazil, China - Mainland
Commodities: Oil palm fruit
Topics: Sustainability in general, Associations of value chain actors, Business models and entrepreneurship, Public-private partnerships (Analysis), Business-enabling environment in general