Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

Adding value: Cashing in on cassava


A cassava processing technology is turning peels into nutrient rich animal feed products and creating new markets in Nigeria’s livestock industry. Two local organisations have partnered up and are utilising the technology to reduce animal feed costs and provide long-term employment for women. Scientists have been able to reduce the drying time of abundant, low cost peels from 3 to 1 day, and in some cases to just 6 hours. The resulting dry cake is loosened, sun dried and divided into various grades for animals such as ruminants and poultry. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) technology will enable around 50 million tonnes of peels that are currently being wasted each year to become a tradable livestock feed commodity, and could create approximately 100 000 jobs.

Language: English

The News item's focus in terms of:
Commodities: Cassava
Topics: Profitability, Job creation and enhanced livelihoods, Gender equity, Transaction costs and benefits, Non-financial services