Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

The report of the Third FAO Private Sector Partnerships Forum is available


The forum was hosted by FAO on 15 October 2014 and attracted more than 90 representatives from private food and agribusiness companies as well as financial sector enterprises and producer organizations. It was the first time that FAO and private sector representatives have come together to formally discuss specific technical topics  in a spirit of partnership. The event involved two parallel sessions on addressing food losses and waste and on developing inclusive business models. During these sessions, FAO and the private sector openly shared their experiences in these areas of work as well as their perspectives on how the two parties could effectively collaborate. The outputs of the forum, including the forum findings, conclusions as well as background papers, are summarized in the forum report.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Language: English
Location: Italy
City: Rome

The News item's focus in terms of:
General Africa, Non-country specific
Commodities: Non-Commodity specific
Topics: Inclusion of the poor, Food losses and food waste, Business model, Public-private partnership (Cross-sectional)