Plataforma de Conocimientos sobre las Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias Sostenibles

New brief: Improving access to quality seeds potato


This brief has been produced by the African Roots and Tubers Project and is the result of the two-day sub-regional workshop on improving farmers’ access to quality seed potato organized in 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda. According to the document, options for policy actions include: stimulation of local commercial production of quality-controlled seed potatoes; improving quality in the informal system with a gradual alignment with the formal system; and strengthening value chain coordination.

Idioma: English
País: Rwanda
Ciudad: Kigali

The News Enfoque del artículo de noticias en cuanto a:
Productos básicos: Potato
Temas: Input and service support provision in general, Vision and Strategy development, Governance (linkage) upgrading, Inputs and services support upgrading, Business enabling environment upgrading