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New video: Farming as a Business in Eastern Africa


This video showcases success stories from FAO’s Food Security through Commercialization of Agriculture Programme in Eastern Africa (specifically, project GTFS/RAF/391/ITA), which aimed at improving food security in cross-border districts of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda by supporting the modernization of agriculture within the framework of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development–Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (NEPAD–CAADP). Funded by the Government of Italy, the programme was implemented between 2006 and 2015. It focused on increasing market-oriented production, improving market efficiency, promoting value addition activities, and facilitating an enabling environment for cross-border trade. Approximately 25,000 value chain actors (producers, traders, agroprocessors, exporters) from 17 promising value chains were reached. Over the years, these actors have been assisted in organizing themselves into more than 300 associations, 79 cooperatives and 37 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). About 70 percent of targeted beneficiaries experienced increases in their household incomes of at least 30 percent, resulting in improved access to food, social services and assets. 

Language: English

The News item's focus in terms of:
Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda