Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Ecological restoration in Caledonian forest

Author(s) Alan Watson-Featherstone
Year of publication 2016
Nearly 30 years ago, Trees for Life Founder, Alan Watson-Featherstone stood in the Universal Hall and in front of 300 people made a life-long commitment to restore the ancient Caledonian Forest. He started with no resources, no knowledge, no access to land, no funds, but his passion and inspiration have carried him forward and now Trees for Life not only helps nature to restore the Scottish Highlands - it also helps people reconnect with their spirit, with hope and with the land. Alan's talk also includes a wide range of his photography illustrating both the damage to the land and the difference our work makes.
Type of Case
Video or audio
Trees for Life
Boreal, Temperate
Forest Type
Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function