Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Ergonomics of tree planting

Author(s) Banister, E., Robinson, D. & Trites, D.
Year of publication 1990
The aims of this research were to verify previous studies and to extend the analysis on how tree planting work affects workers health. To do this, objective serial sampling was carried out of several physiological and biochemical parameters indicative of stress and breakdown in the worker. The investigation focused on: comparing the relative energy expenditure, reflected in the hearth rate elevation during work of different tree planters; attempting to identify the skills and physical attributes of an efficient tree palnters; showing the strenuous nature of the work by documenting pre and post activity change in serum-enzyme parameters; attempting to understand the physiological cause of the phenomenon described as burn out by planters and the course of its development; determining health hazards in tree planting attributable to the handling of chemically treated seedlings.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
Government of Canada, Province of British Columbia
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function