Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Woodfuel flows - An overview of four studies

Woodfuel flows refers to the mechanisms by which wood harvested from a tree eventually reaches the end-users as fuel. These mechanisms can be complex and varied. Gaining an understanding of them involves studying, among other things, characteristics of the woodfuel sources (both forest and non-forest land), harvesting, transport, trade, markets and the actors involved. Woodfuels differ from conventional fuels in their variety of localised markets - which are partly non-monetarized - and their intricate links with rural economies, various site-specific constraints, and the relatively large amount of local labour involved in the ‘woodfuel business’. Income generation in woodfuel business goes well beyond the forestry sector, and even provides a safety net for many poor or deprived people. These unique features of woodfuels mean that any policies and interventions aimed at developing wood energy must, in order to be effective, be suited to local conditions and be based on a thorough understanding of local woodfuel flows.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function