Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

The Problem of Overlap: The Panamanian Government Stalls on Indigenous Land Titling on Protected Areas

Author(s) Christine Halvorson
Year of publication 2018
Panama is home to five indigenous semi-autonomous indigenous territories (comarcas) and several protected areas, including the Darién National Park. However, the government has yet to recognize a number of the customary lands of the Bri Bri, Embera, Guna, Naso, and Wounaan peoples, because of their location in, or proximity to, protected areas. The situation has become a major bottleneck in the recognition of indigenous land rights in Panama. This case study focuses on the overlap between indigenous lands and protected areas in the Darién, particularly the Darién National Park.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
Cornered by Protected Areas
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function