Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Participatory forestry

The aim of participatory forestry is to ensure that all stakeholders are included in all relevant aspects of forest management, decision-making and policy formulation. Using participatory forestry approaches, FAO Forestry promotes consensual negotiation among government agencies, civil society, forest users and the private sector – stakeholders who often have divergent interests in, and views on, forest management. Encouraging broad debate on forest issues and enabling stakeholders to resolve issues in a participatory way is an effective way of managing existing conflict, minimizing the risk of future conflict, and strengthening the impact of national forest programmes. Case study - Initiating participatory forestry in Afghanistan for sustainable livelihoods (GCP/AFG/052/GER)
Type of Case
Other (e.g. games, quiz, simulation etc.)
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function