Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Legal compliance in the forestry sector - Case study: Cameroon

Author(s) Liviu Amariei
Year of publication 2005
The present study is aimed at offering input to the FAO/ITTO study Capacity Building for Law Compliance in the Forest Sector. It addresses directly the first objective of this project, that of producing “guidelines for improving law compliance in the forest sector”, and also its third stated objective, to “create a sound framework for facilitating FAO and ITTO’s normative advice to countries”. The objective of this case study is to identify the main categories of illegal acts prevailing in the forestry sector in Cameroon, and the corrective actions planned and adopted, including institutional and legal reforms, and their effectiveness in dealing with illegal acts and improving overall compliance with legal requirements. The analysis is based on a brief diagnosis of the Cameroonian forestry sector, including its main social, environmental, economic, institutional, policy and legal features, the way the forest resources are managed, the structure of ownership and government control. Additionally, this analysis includes the legal framework, and it looks at policies and laws related to the forestry sector, and also at the way the government monitors and enforces them.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function