Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Timber harvesting in forests NSW plantations - Forest practices code. Part 1

Forests NSW manages 260,000 hectares of exotic and native plantations across the State. This code of practice will help ensure that harvesting and haulage operations achieve the highest possible levels of safety while protecting the forest and maximising the value of the crop. This code replaces the 1995 version and is the result of extensive public consultation between Forests NSW, State Government departments, contractors and other forest industry practitioners. This is the first part of the Forests NSW Forest Practices Code — the other three parts address harvesting in native forests, establishment and maintenance of plantations, and roads and trails. This code is for: operator, contractor and timber licensees and mill operators; forests NSW staff who manage and supervise harvest, haulage and purchasing operations; anyone interested in plantation management The rules in this code apply to all timber plantation harvesting and haulage operations managed by Forests NSW. The code is backed by legislation that gives Forests NSW the power to prosecute breaches, primarily through the Forestry Act. Forests NSW encourages the adoption of these standards on privately owned forests and land.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
New South Wales Department of Primary Industries
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function