Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Improving working conditions in ZAFFICO, Zambia's parastatal forest industry

Author(s) Staal Wästerlund, D. & Kufakwandi, F.
Year of publication 1993
The parastatal Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) was formed from the Industrial Plantations Division of the Zambia Forest Department with the help of a World Bank loan in 1982. Based heavily on plantations, ZAFFICO was established to help meet the increasing demand for timber in Zambia and to complement supplies from indigenous forests which were being overexploited. At the time of the writing, it had established 40000 ha of pine and 10000 ha of eucalyptus plantations and owned five sawmills (with a total installed capacity of 80000 m3 per year), a pole treatment plant, a joinery and other wood processing facilities. This article examines studies of working conditions in ZAFFICO during 1988 and 1989, and subsequent efforts to improve the working environment. The development and implementation of a system for accident recording is also discussed. The intent of the article is not to focus specifically on a single forestry enterprise but rather to highlight challenges common to forest worker efficiency, safety and health in African developing countries while identifying opportunities for improvement. Many possible improvements would be applicable to other forest enterprises.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
FAO Unasylva no 172
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function