Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Mangroves and Markets (MAM)

The development of shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam at the expense of the mangrove environment has serious consequences, as mangroves protect against tidal waves and storm surges; they are vital fish nursery-grounds; provide timber, honey, and other products; and raise land levels by trapping sediment. They also have high carbon content and the total carbon storage is very high relative to most forest types. Healthy mangroves thus make important contributions to both climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Mangroves and Markets (MAM) project aimed to reverse mangrove loss, reduce carbon emissions and promote mangrove restoration while supporting community resilience under climate change. SNV and co-implementer IUCN took up the challenge with the MAM project (2012-2016) to integrate ecologically sound shrimp aquaculture in the mangrove environment of Ca Mau. In alliance with shrimp importers, traders and farmers and their families, MAM provided training on breeding and marketing certified organic shrimp, supported replanting and management of the mangrove forest, mobilized access for shrimp farmers to certified markets through inclusive business, and build links to potential carbon financing.
Type of Case
German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
Mangroves and coastal forests
Primary Designated Function