Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Forest plantations and woodlots in Burundi

This study assessed the current situation of public and private forest plantations/woodlots in Burundi with respect to the distribution and location of these plantations, species planted and sources of seedlings and seeds, age distribution of forest plantations, their management and quality of stands and other features. The Government of Burundi has made a lot of efforts to establish forest plantations since the colonial period with increasing intensity towards the late 1970s and the 1980s, in order to reach the environmental conservation and production of forest products objectives. The landscape of Burundi is richly endowed with trees and woodlots scattered on farmlands. Major forest plantations are located in proximity of protected areas and urban areas. However, due to the war situation that has prevailed since 1993, these forest plantations have not been well managed and several illegal excision, encroachment and harvesting activities are reported by the Forestry Department. The study further assessed the existing incentive schemes that could favour rapid forest plantation establishment by public and private sectors, and outgrower schemes by individual farmers. Particular attention was given to availability of land for forest expansion and of quality germplasm, financing mechanisms for plantation forestry, private sector involvement, policy and environmental issues including land and forest and tree tenure issues, biodiversity considerations, and legislation and governance issues. The study suggested options for establishment, expansion and improved management of public and private forest plantations, including ways to overcome existing and potential constraints. It was noted that the policy of free seedling distribution has greatly contributed to the development of woodlots and agroforestry.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
African Forest Forum
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function