Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Manual for participatory land use planning facilitators

Author(s) Schwedes, S. & Werner, W.
Year of publication 2010
This manual provides guidance to future facilitators of participatory processes in the framework of integrated regional land use planning (IRLUP), steered by the Namibian Ministry of Lands and Resettlement (MLR). It was developed in the context of the Karas IRLUP-project. Since the development of comprehensive land use planning (LUP) guidelines for Namibia is still ongoing, the manual can only be considered as a preliminary version. It will be reviewed, accomplished and adjusted during future IRLUP activities. The manual is structured into eight chapters, whereas chapters 2 to 4 provide background information on land use planning in general as well as land use planning in Namibia specifically. Chapter 5 contains hands-on guidelines for the implementation of the participatory land use planning approach on local level developed for Namibia. Chapter 6 reflects important aspects on mapping within LUP processes and chapter 7 consists of an introduction into conflict management and analysis for handling conflicts in LUP. Chapter 8 makes reference to important literature used.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Ministry of Lands and Resettlement & GTZ
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function