Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Environmentally sound forest harvesting in Brazil - Assessment of regeneration and environmental impacts four years after harvesting

Author(s) Wellhofer, S.
Year of publication 2002
The principal objective of this case study is to document the progress of regeneration in two forest plots harvested under different schemes in 1996, four years prior to this investigation. A secondary objective is to describe the recent evolution of environmentally sound forest harvesting as practiced by Precious Woods Amazon (PWA), the Brazilian subsidiary of Precious Woods Switzerland, in Amazonian primary forests in Brazil. The study reported in this document was carried out as a follow-up to a previous study in this series, which was documented by Winkler (1997). Both studies were undertaken in a managed natural forest near Itacoatiara, about 230 km west of Manaus, in the Amazon region of Brazil. The two studies were conducted in collaboration with Precious Woods Amazon (PWA), the Brazilian subsidiary of Precious Woods AG located in Zurich, Switzerland. The purpose of this re-examination was to assess the condition of the forest four years after logging had been completed. For this purpose, assessments were undertaken of regeneration within felling gaps and on skidtrails, water infiltration rates on skidtrails, the current status of potential crop trees (PCTs), and the condition of residual trees of commercial species.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function