Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Implementing urban greening aid projects – The case of St. Petersburg, Russia

Author(s) Nilssona, K., Akerlund, U., Konijnendijkc, c.C., Alekseevd, A., Caspersena, O.H., Guldagera, S., Kuznetsovd, E., Mezenkoe, A. & Selikhovkind, A.
Year of publication 2007
Recent years have seen the introduction of the concept of urban greening, defined as embracing the planning and management of all urban vegetation to create or add values to the local community. Green-space development has become recognised by international agencies and donors as important tool in improving the quality of urban livelihoods and urban environment. This paper evaluates the implementation of an urban greening aid project conducted by Danish and Russian partners in St Petersburg, the Russian Federation, to improve the quality of urban livelihoods and the urban environment. The project was generally well implemented, resulting in improved urban green-space planning and management and greater communication and collaboration among stakeholders; on the other hand, the project had limited success in public involvement. The paper provides valuable information about successful approaches and lessons learned.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Science Direct
Boreal, Temperate
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function