Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Improving ecosystem functionality and livelihoods - Experiences in forest landscape restoration and management.

Author(s) Barrow E., Fisher, R. & Gordon, J.
Year of publication 2012
This paper examines how interventions intended to improve functionality and productivity of forested landscapes to improve livelihoods of the poorest populations, might actually yield co-benefits in terms of biodiversity conservation. It argues in favour of a ‘landscape’ approach to achieve these co-benefits. Using case study examples from eight landscapes involved in LLS – Doe Mae Salong, Thailand; Sablogo forest, Burkina Faso; Kelka forest, Mali; Mount Elgon, Uganda; Tacaná, Guatemala; Mayun, China; Lao PDR; and Lachua, Guatemala – it presents evidence for the benefits of landscape approaches to forest restoration. Among the key findings flowing from the case studies include the finding that for landscape interventions to lead to improved livelihoods and enhanced biodiversity requires taking a holistic approach in which the different land uses of the forested landscape along with the types of trees and their products and services are taken into account. Reconciling both will of necessity require trade-offs. Balancing these trade-offs requires stakeholder engagement, careful negotiation, and participatory planning and goal-setting.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Forest Type
Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function