Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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This review is guided by the Project FireFight South East Asia (PFFSEA), with the aim to document successful community experiences with forest fires and analyse those political, institutional, economic and cultural elements that enable local communities to actively engage in preventing uncontrolled burning. The use of fires to clear land...
This document presents the final results from the Mt Emei World Heritage Site (WHS) of the Community-Based Enterprise Development (CBED) project for Conservation of Biodiversity at World Heritage Sites. The overall objective of the project in both countries was to create viable community-based enterprises that improve livelihoods while providing incentives for...
Many World Heritage Sites are at risk from resource overuse and exploitation due to the livelihood needs of communities living in their surrounding areas, through creative and flexible implementation of the Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) approach developed by FAO. This working paper describes the community-based commercial enterprise development project...
The cases studies mention the role of fire as a disturbance played and continue to play, a major role in forest ecosystems throughout the world. This view often encourages fire and forest management institutions to perceive local communities as part of the problem, and certainly not part of the solution....
The use of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) is an important area of forest management that relates to both the conservation of natural resources and the food security of forest-dependent people. The NWFP sector is complex, however, given the huge variety of landscapes, species and cultural patterns that characterize communities in...
The Forestry Department of FAO has been assisting the implementation of different kinds of projects focused on tree and forest product enterprises. The Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) methodology used in these projects has also been successfully applied to other resources and opportunities, in services such as community-based tourism projects,...
The Forestry Department of FAO has been assisting the implementation of different kinds of projects focused on tree and forest product enterprises. The Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) methodology used in these projects has also been successfully applied to other resources and opportunities, in services such as community-based tourism projects,...
Like all forest enterprises, community-based forest enterprises (CFEs) have a mixed record, with numerous cases of successes as well as failures. As the experience in developed countries attest, SMEs can emerge and flourish where the tenure and policy frameworks allow them to exist legally and compete fairly with large scale...
This report aims to discuss the full spectrum of compensatory conservation activities undertaken by companies in the context of particular development projects. It covers not only biodiversity offsets that achieve net gain or no net loss of biodiversity, but also compensatory conservation measures, which provide some form of reparation...
There is growing concern in the Sudan about the impact of the Darfur conflict on natural resources, particularly forest resources. The article presents an analysis of the situation and drafts some conclusion on the fact that conflict has multiple short- and long-term impacts on development, the environment and human well-being. The displacement of...