Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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This study adopts the WWF Rapid assessment and prioritization of protected areas management methodology (RAPPAM), the most popularly used method for present site-level evaluation and for possible system-level evaluation in the future, to evaluate the management effectiveness of five protected areas in Taiwan. In addition, the authors adjusted the RAPPAM...
The majority of Iranian protected areas are being affected by human activities. Such areas demand continuous monitoring into account due to quality loss problem. This study identifies the weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities and threats of Bashgol protected area and analyzes them using SWOT matrix in order to...
The forests of Gabon supports the largest populations of lowland gorillas, chimpanzees, and elephants in the world. Nevertheless, the presence of forest concession make the region vulnerable to exploitation that facilitate large-scale hunting and trade, increasing the threat to important habitats as well as the survival of large mammals. This...
The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has recognized that there is an urgent need to address the impact of invasive alien species (IAS), and established IAS as a cross-cutting issue at its fourth meeting. The decision of COP 6 included adoption of Guiding...
Illegal commercial hunting is the greatest immediate threat to wildlife in Cambodia. Despite this significant demand-driven commercial hunting threat to a range of endangered species, there are currently no actions aiming to reduce the demand for wildlife products in Cambodia. This report aims to help fill this gap by identifying...
Dominant approaches to wildlife utilization in protected areas exclude local community participation. This results in conflict between protected areas and adjacent communities. This study aimed at examining factors affecting community participation in wildlife resource use and management in the Moremi Game Reserve in the Ngamiland area of Botswana. It is...
In the Amazon rainforest, Brazil's rubber tappers were the first social group to challenge the predatory development model that is threatening ecological disaster in this country. Their strategy to set up “extractive reserves”—conservation areas where the local population can harvest non-timber forest products—is examined in this article.
The document develops a regional Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific. This Code has been developed with input from many stakeholders in the region and is intended to identify and encourage environmentally sound forest harvesting practices throughout the region. It has been developed specifically to provide a basis...
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is in Tanzania, where climate change is taking a toll on local populations. FAO-backed initiatives are making it easier for farmers and families to produce crop varieties that grow in dry conditions. Plus, new soil methods are increasing production and energy-saving stoves...
FAO undertakes field projects to assist member countries in testing and demonstrating alternative processes, methodologies and techniques in the field of planted forests. This website collects all documents related to projects of afforestation, reforestation, support to natural regeneration and rehabilitation of forests. The page shows links to downloadable project documents...