Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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This article provides a summary of the status of forest certification in Myanmar. It summarizes and updates a chapter in Forest Trends publication “Myanmar: Overview of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade” written by Kevin Woods and Kerstin Canby with the support of EFI.
The Eastern Ontario Model Forest has produced several videos in its Forest Certification video series. Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification provides a visually appealing and understandable overview of this often complex topic. A CoC label provides assurance to consumers that the wood used in a particular end product comes from...
The target of forest legislation is to regulate relations regarding ownership, management, disposal of forests for the purpose of ensuring conditions for rising up ecological and resource potential of forests, rational and inexhaustible use of forest resources, conservation, protection and reproduction thereof, strengthening legality in the sphere of forest relations....
This report represents a collection of papers on recent efforts to develop guidelines and codes of practices in forest operations and engineering. The papers were presented at the "Meeting of Experts on Forest Practices" which was held from 11-14 December 1994 at the Food and Agriculture Development Center of the...
Forests and trees on farms are a direct source of food, cash income and a range of subsistence benefits for millions of people worldwide, but there are major differences in the benefits that accrue to men and women. Compared with men, women are frequently disadvantaged in...
This report presents findings of a case study on forest harvesting in natural forest of the Congo. The overall objective is to contribute to the development of sustainable forest management in the tropics through the establishment of credible data on forest harvesting practices and harvesting impacts in tropical high forests. The...
The objective of this study was to document procedures and collect data on the "conventional" logging systems generally used in concessions in Suriname, and compare them against "planned" forest harvesting in which the distinct phases of the harvesting operation are carefully planned in an effort to improve efficiency, increase wood...
The overall context for the study is partly provided by the three pillars of the World Bank’s new forest strategy (Sustaining Forests: a Development Strategy, 2002), which focuses on how the Bank can most effectively contribute to harnessing the potential of forests to reduce poverty, to integrating forests in sustainable...
Work on forest restoration is not new in the Asia-Pacific region. Classical achievements include the planting of teak in Java, and the ‘taungya’ system, rst introduced in Burma for afforesting swidden areas. A variety of restoration techniques is available, ranging from natural regeneration to mixed species plantations. The need...
In 2011, the Government of Rwanda pledged to bring 2 million hectares of deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020. Compared to Rwanda’s total geographic area, This goal represents the highest proportion committed to the Bonn Challenge to date. Rwanda lost over 65% of its forests between 1956 and...