Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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The objectives of the Food Security Project (FSP) are to contribute to sustainable improvement in national food security and poverty eradication on an economically and environmentally sustainable basis. The forestry/agro-forestry sub-component will achieve food security and enhanced environmental quality and public health through tree planting, non-afforestation and wildlife conservation/management. The...
An effort is under way worldwide to better manage our planet's forest resources and better enhance their role in mitigating climate change. Forest loss and degradation in developing countries account for nearly 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Monitoring and reducing these emissions has been the key goal for the...
Sweden is well known as a major player in the world forest industry. The history of Swedish forestry is rather less well known. This booklet outlines the recovery of the Swedish forest from a heavily depleted state at the beginning of the 20th century to create a forestry superpower. The...
Recognizing the importance of the services provided by forests and trees to urban dwellers, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests proposed that the theme for the 2018 International Day of Forests would be “Forests and Sustainable Cities”. Collectively, the stories presented in this publication show that investing in green solutions can...
Forests and gender
25 February 2014
Taking a gender perspective in forestry has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with development and conservation effectiveness: an awareness of the power relations between men and women vis-à-vis forest resources can only help ensure that these resources are used sustainably and equitably. If we ignore...
Despite increasing recognition of the wide range of environmental and social benefits of forests to our planet’s well being, unsustainable forest and land-use practices continue to destroy and degrade millions of hectares of forests in Asia and the Pacific each year. In various locations across the region, renewed efforts are...
The regional ”Workshop on Advancing the Application of Assisted Natural Regeneration for Effective, Low-Cost Forest Restoration” was organized from 19-22 May 2009, in Bohol, the Philippines, as a concluding activity of the three-year FAO-supported project aimed at promoting ANR in the Philippines. Both the project and the workshop were implemented...
This PhD thesis is a case study on indigenous tree products in the woody savannas of the Bassila region in Benin. It is available upon registration.
Forests cover nearly a third of the earth’s land surface and serve as a fuel source much as it has for millennia, currently accounting for about 40 percent of the global renewable energy supply - as much as solar, hydroelectric and wind power combined. Thanks to new technological advances, forests...
This publication is FAO’s first comprehensive look at the impact of community-based forestry since previous reviews in 1991 and 2001. It considers both collaborative regimes (forestry practised on land with formal communal tenure requiring collective action) and smallholder forestry (on land that is generally privately owned). The publication examines the...