Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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The purpose of the present Guidelines is to: explain the basic principles of land use planning; indicate which land use planning activities could be carried out in Somaliland at different levels, and how; provide a number of tools and resources which could be of practical use by land use planners...
This publication of the governments of Kenya, Germany, AFR100, CIFOR, and IUCN presents a cost-benefit analysis of forest and landscape restoration options in Kenya.
Important transformations are underway in tropical landscapes in Latin America with implications for economic development and climate change. Landscape transformation is driven not only by national policies and markets, but also by global market dynamics associated with an increased role for transnational traders and investors. National and global trends affect...
Although a considerable amount of scientific research on large carnivores have been developed in EU, species management quite often does not take advantage of this knowledge and lethal actions are chosen instead of more efficient sustainable tools. This study aims to cover this gap by analysing and discussing the best...
In Bolivia, dramatic changes in the forestry regulations have been implemented seeking to arrest illegality and informality within the forestry sector, and to enable clearer legal frameworks and institutional conditions for promoting the introduction of good practices for forest management. Yet, illegal logging is still a relevant issue in Bolivia...
Costa Rica’s Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) programme has become something of an icon in the world of PES. Its hitches and successes provide a valuable source of information and inspiration for other countries interested in exploring ‘policymixes’ of economic and regulatory instruments to promote ecosystems conservation and regeneration. In...
Many tropical countries have achieved economic growth at the expense of converting their forests. Some of those countries have prospered and others remain impoverished despite converting their forests. Both have the will now to restore some of their lost forest cover and commit resources to this end. Forest rehabilitation is...
The present study is aimed at offering input to the FAO/ITTO study Capacity Building for Law Compliance in the Forest Sector. It addresses directly the first objective of this project, that of producing “guidelines for improving law compliance in the forest sector”, and also its third stated objective, to “create...
This report forms a part of that work and describes lessons learned in five key areas: a) Legal aspects of PES, conservation incentives and REDD+ programs through the lens of participation agreements; b) Poverty reduction, livelihoods, and other equity issues; c) Evaluating and managing trade-offs and synergies between programs, sectors and...
The East Usambara region of Tanzania is part of the Eastern Arc Forests biodiversity hotspot is part of the Global 200 Ecoregions of WWF. East Usambara is densely populated and its forests are suffering from degradation and fragmentation. WWF and its partners have been working in East Usambara since 2004...