Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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This report highlights lessons learnt from WWF's engagement in the region. Restoration efforts have involved policy work, training workshops, but also active removal of dykes and sources of degradation, and trials on relatively small plots to determine best methods for the restoration of forest dynamics. Activities have included numerous field-based...
The rapid spread of the leucaena psyllid, Heteropsylla cubana, across the Pacific Islands, Australia, southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent durin the mid-1980s is legendary in the annals of modern economic entomolgy. The purpose of this sub-regional workshop was to bring together research scientists, forest pest management specialists and foresters...
This case study presents information from multi-disciplinary research (ecological, genetic, socio-economic) on a little-known species that is endemic to Central America, but now found mostly on farmers’ land. Students use the information to devise a conservation strategy for this threatened species on a country basis (either El Salvador, Honduras or Nicaragua),...
In this article, the authors present a case study from a forest restoration project to assess the linkages between forest, water and wildlife across Lamahi bottleneck area in Terai Arc Landscape. It aims to assess the linkages between forest restoration, water resource management, and wildlife conservation in critical watersheds that...
This paper, developed in collaboration with Professor Chen Xie of National Forestry Economics Research and Development Centre of China, is based on a literature review in China. The review focuses on the main forestry policies, social protection policies, and their linkages, and an analysis of monitoring results from China’s major...
Living in and from the forests of Central Africa is intended first and foremost as a full-scale extension tool concerning NWFPs in Central Africa. It is a work on the groups who have always lived in these forests, forests that contribute to every aspect of their daily lives, both material...
This Conservation Action Series report outlines a holistic model of conflict mitigation that evolved under Wildlife Trust of India’s Uttar Pradesh Big Cat Conflict Mitigation Project (now the Terai Tiger Project), run in partnership with the state forest department. The field tested approach developed involves a sustained process of engagement...
This study is a contribution to DFID's sustainable rural livelihood (SRL) theme which seeks among other objectives to increase knowledge and awareness of vital cross-cutting planning issues and to develop and test innovative local planning approaches with the view to provide support to rural district planning in selected African countries...
Forests are host to most of Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity. The conservation of the world’s biodiversity is thus utterly dependent on the way in which we interact with and use the world’s forests. The role of forests in maintaining biodiversity is also explicitly recognized by the United Nations Strategic Plan for...
This briefing includes information and strategies to support REDD participants in understanding and realizing gender equality and women’s empowerment in Tanzania.