Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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The Little Forest Finance Book’s overarching aim is to catalyse an increase in the finance flowing towards forest-friendly development. It is a reference for decision makers and project stakeholders within governments, NGOs, the private sector, and forest communities who want to understand where forest finance can be raised, how it can...
The objective of this publication is to present the policy and management approach of each member country on its protective forests. The goal of the member countries is to increase the resilience of mountain forests and ensure the sustainability of their protective functions for society. Each country report covers the...
Video related to the role and contribution of forest in water/soil conservation in Jamaica.
A major reduction in global deforestation is needed to mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss. Recent private sector commitments aim to eliminate deforestation from a company’s operations or supply chain, but they fall short on several fronts. Company pledges vary in the degree to which they include time-bound interventions with...
This study reviews the key literature related to Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in order to establish its benefits and limitations as well as identify any gaps in evidence. The study then outlines potential challenges in meeting the identified gaps and recommends next steps to guide further evaluation and measurement. FMNR...
During the recent Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, it is likely that human dietary behavior and local attitudes toward bushmeat consumption changed in response to the crisis, and that the rate of change depended on prevailing socio-economic conditions, including wealth and education. In this study, the authors...
The State of Canada's forest plays a key role in reporting progresses towards sustainable forest management. For 25 years the report has demonstrated that Government of Canada knows how valuable forests are to Canadians. From recreational opportunities and social and cultural values, to economic opportunities and ecosystem services that improve the...
This paper is based upon a number of reports from individual countries of the Near East Region and selected FAO documents. The document may not represent a fully comprehensive view of the use of treated wastewater in forest plantation development for control of desertification in the region, but is representative...
09 February 2015
The growth of the trees decreases when forests become denser. In order to safeguard the growth, too dense a forest needs to be thinned. Depending on the site and the tree species, two or three thinnings may be carried out before regeneration. The forest owner may gain substantial revenue from...
Forests NSW manages 260,000 hectares of exotic and native plantations across the State. This code of practice will help ensure that harvesting and haulage operations achieve the highest possible levels of safety while protecting the forest and maximising the value of the crop. This code replaces the 1995 version and...