Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A case provides information on a particular instance of SFM application. This section includes all the cases available in the SFM Toolbox, they can be in form of publications, videos, audios, websites, etc.

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This bulleting review a number of principles that have been adopted by different conservation organizations and can serve as a guide to achieve a full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities in the management of protected areas and the establishment of new areas in full compliance with their...
This briefing paper presents a summary of the findings and recommendations arising out of three case studies of Indigenous partnerships in the management of protected areas in Australia. The case studies were commissioned by the Poola Foundation (Tom Kantor Fund) in response to a joint proposal by the Australian Collaboration...
This paper discusses an experience with innovative participatory research in Guatemala and Nicaragua that aimed to strengthen community capabilities in natural resource management. The Grassroots Assistance Project trained community members to document and critically reflect upon local experience with forest management and external assistance. Together with regional context studies undertaken...
The Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park (NNNP), in the north of the Republic of the Congo (Congo), is one of the most renowned protected areas in Africa. The park has come under scrutiny, however, for its impacts on, and relationship with, the area’s original inhabitants, particularly the Ba’aka Pygmies. This article provides...
Forests are highly significant for addressing multiple global challenges and contribute to the sustainable development of all countries, even those without significant forest area. Forests contribute approximately USD 468 billion or 1% of global gross value added to GDP. The livelihoods of over 1.6 billion people depend on forest goods...
Community forestry in Cameroon is often seen as a way to redirect some of the benefits of timber exploitation to local communities. This paper presents a case study from the Kilum-Ijim Forest which is in an area that has insufficient valuable timber to be of logging interest but is, on...
A carbon-only approach to REDD+ won’t work. It will not help either climate or forests. Ex-post greenhouse gas emissions reductions will not be achieved if investments are not made in the environmental sustainability and social equity of the policies and measures adopted to address the drivers of deforestation and forest...
This study is aimed at gaining an understanding of the poverty and vulnerability situation of forest-dependent communities in the United Republic of Tanzania and generating information on the availability of social protection interventions, with a view to identifying pathways for establishing sustainable social protection for these communities. Social protection is...
This study is aimed at gaining an understanding of the poverty and vulnerability situation of forest-dependent communities in the United Republic of Tanzania and generating information on the availability of social protection interventions, with a view to identifying pathways for establishing sustainable social protection for these communities.
"This study examines the development consequences of the Zimbabwe’s CAMPFIRE Program with reference to the differential outcomes for men and women. The program, and associated development activity, has initiated many changes in village life. Some of these have led women into opportunities that were formerly not available, including formal education,...
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