Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Planification de la gestion des forêts

Bienvenue au module sur la Planification de la gestion des forêts. Ce module s’adresse aux propriétaires et gestionnaires forestiers qui veulent planifier des activités de GDF et assurer la surveillance et le contrôle.

Le module fournit des informations et des liens vers des outils et études de cas pouvant aider les utilisateurs à planifier la mise en œuvre de la GDF à l’échelle de l’unité forestière d'aménagement.

ATO/ITTO. 2003. ATO/ITTO principles, criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of African natural tropical forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 14. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization and the African Timber Organization.

Bettinger, P., Boston, K., Siry, J.P. & Grebner, D.L. 2009. Forest management and planning. Academic Press/Elsevier.

Bowles, M.D. & Krutilla, J.V. 1989. Multiple-use management: the economics of public forest lands. Washington, DC. Resources for the Future.

CANARI. 2013. Participating in managing forest: a guide to community forestry in the Caribbean islands. Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute.

Catinot, R. 1997. The sustainable management of tropical rainforests. Paris, Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux.  

CBD Secretariat. 2009. Sustainable forest management, biodiversity and livelihoods: a good practice guide. Montreal, Canada, Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat.

CPF. 2012. SFM and biodiversity.

CPF. 2012. SFM and primary forests.

CPF. 2012. SFM and the multiple functions of forests. 

FAO. 1996. Training manual for environmental assessment in forestry. FAO Field Document 8/1996. Bangkok.

FAO. 1998. Guidelines for the management of tropical forests. 1. The production of wood. FAO Forestry Paper No. 135. Rome.

FAO. 2004. Simpler forest management plans for participatory forestry. FAO Working Paper. Rome.

Gilpin, A. 1995. Environmental impact assessment. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.

Higman, S., Mayers, J., Bass, S., Judd, N. & Nussbaum, R. 2005. The sustainable forestry handbook: a practical guide for tropical forest managers on implementing new standards. Second edition. London, Earthscan Publications.

ITTO. 1993. ITTO guidelines for the establishment and sustainable management of planted tropical forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 4. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization.

ITTO. 1998. Manual for the application of criteria and indicators for sustainable management of natural tropical forests. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization.

ITTO. 2005. Revised ITTO criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of tropical forests including reporting format. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 15. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization.

ITTO/IUCN. 2008. Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No. 17. Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical Timber Organization.

Johns, A.G. 1997. Timber production and biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.

Kleine, M. 1997. The theory and application of a systems approach to silvicultural decision-making. Sandakan, Malaysia, Forest Research Centre, Sabah Forestry Department.

Lund, H.G. and Wigton, W.H. 1996. A primer for designing multiple resource inventory (MRI) and monitoring programmes. In: H. Abu Hassan, C. Yue Mun and N. Rahman eds., Multiple resource inventory and monitoring in tropical forests, pp. 125–143. ASEAN Institute of Forest Management.

Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., Nasi, R., Augeri, D., Rosenbaum, B., Iskandar, D., Setyawati, T., Lammertink, M., Rachmatika, I., Wong, A., Soehartono, T., Stanley, S. & O’Brien, T. 2005. Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo. Implications for forestry and concession management. Bogor, Indonesia. 370 pp.

Peters, C.M. 1994. Sustainable harvest of non-timber plant resources in the tropical moist forest: an ecological primer. Washington, DC, Biodiversity Support Program and World Wildlife Fund.

Poore, D. & Sayer, J. 1991. The management of tropical moist forest lands. Ecological guidelines. Second edition. Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge, UK, IUCN.

Putz, F.E., Redford, K.H., Robinson, J.G., Fimbel, R. & Blate, G.M. 2000. Biodiversity conservation in the context of tropical forest management. Biodiversity Series Impact Studies, Paper No. 75. Washington DC, The World Bank Environment Department.

Sabogal, C. 1997. Planes de manejo forestal y necesidades de informacion para el manejo operacional. Memoria del Simposio Internacional Posibilidades de manejo forestal sostenible en America Tropical, celebrado en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 15–20 July 1997. 

Sabogal, C., Pokorny, B., Silva, J.N.M., Carvalho, J.O.P., Zweede, J. & Puerta, R. 2009. Diretrizes técnicas de manejo para produção madeireira mecanizada em florestas de terra firme na Amazônia Brasileira. Belém, Brazil, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.

Sicco Dany Dogmo Pokem. 2010. Forest management planning in Congo Basin rainforests. Combined planning system: a new approach for sustainable forest management. PhD thesis, Institute for Forestry Economics, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. Schriften aus dem Institut für Forstökonomie, Band 32.

Vanclay, J.K. 1996. Estimating sustainable timber production from tropical forests. CIFOR Working Paper No. 11. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research. 


Amazon Sat. Amazônia Rural - Sustainable forest management – Part 1 [Portuguese]. Online video clip. YouTube, 10 April 2014.

BMZ, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Responsible use of tropical forests. On line video clip. YouTube, 11 October 2012.

Freite, F. Forest management project of Grupo Orsa [English version]. Online video clip. YouTube, 19 April 2011.

Web links ITTO - Project search. 2004-2014. Last accessed 23.09.2014.