Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Reducing Forest Degradation

This module is intended for forest and land managers, as well as for stakeholders in all sectors involved in joint efforts to reduce forest degradation. It provides guidance on how to slow, halt and reverse forest degradation within a manager’s sphere of control and influence. Readers may find it helpful to read this module in conjunction with the Reducing Deforestation module.  

This module was developed with the kind collaboration of the following people and/or institutions:

Initiator(s): Maria Ruiz Villar - FAO, Forestry Department

Reviewer(s): Markku Simula

This module was revised in 2018 to strengthen gender considerations.

Initiator(s): Gender Team in Forestry

Reviewer(s): Maria Ruiz Villar - FAO, Forestry Department