Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Exploitation du bois

Le module sur l’Exploitation du bois fournit des directives aux gestionnaires forestiers sur les bonnes pratiques d’exploitation du bois. Il analyse les principaux aspects des opérations de récolte, y compris la planification, la construction des routes, la coupe, l’extraction, le transport et l’évaluation après récolte.

Le module fournit des informations de base et des données plus exhaustives sur la récolte du bois, ainsi que des liens vers des outils et études de cas présentant des exemples d’exploitation efficace.

Akay, A.E., Arzberger, U., Heinimann, H.R., Heinrich, R., Owende, P.M., Sessions, J. & Spinelli, R.  2004. Harvesting. In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences Volume 1. (Burley J., Evans J. Youngquist J.A. editors) Elsevier. Oxford, page 247-285.

Apud, E., Dahlin, B., Fjeld, D., Hyttinen, P., Meyer F., Mikkonen, E. & McNabb, K. 2004.Operations In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences Volume 2. (Burley J., Evans J. Youngquist J.A. editors) Elsevier. Oxford, UK. page 639-666.

Arzberger, U. & Grimoldi, M. (Eds.) 2003. New trends in wood harvesting with cable systems for sustainable forest management in the mountains. Workshop Proceedings, Ossiach, Austria 2001. FAO, UNECE, ILO & IUFRO.

Bertault, J.G. & Kadir, K. 1998. Silvicultural research in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of East Kalimantan. CIRAD-Foret, FORDA, Inhutani I, Jakarta.

Conway, S. 1973. Timber cutting practices. Miller - Freeman San Francisco, USA.

Enters, T., Durst, P.B., Applegate, G.B., Kho, P.C.S. & Man, G. 2002. Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management. FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.

Eeronheimo, E. 1990. Integrated small-scale harvesting and wood processing operation. FAO, Rome. 

FAO. 1982. Logging of mountain forests. FAO Forestry Paper 33. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1978. Appropriate wood harvesting in plantation forests. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1995. Use of construction crane for wood extraction in mountainous terrain. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1996. Forest codes of practice. Contributing to environmentally sound forest operations. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1998. Guidelines for the management of tropical forests 1. The production of wood. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 2004. Reduced impact logging in tropical forests. Literature synthesis, analysis and prototype statistical framework. Forest Harvesting and Engineering Working Paper No. 1. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 2006. Taking stock: assessing progress in developing and implementing codes of practice for forest harvesting in ASEAN member countries. RAP Publication 2006/10. ASEAN, FAO, Bangkok.

Grebner, D. 2013. Forest harvesting systems. In: Introduction to forestry and natural resources, pp 287-302. Academic Press.

McDermott, C.L.,  Cashore, B. & Kanowski, P. 2007.  A global comparison of forest practice policies using Tasmania as a constant case. GISF Research Paper 010, Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven.

Nambiar, E.K.S, Smethurst, P.J., Raison, J., House, A.P.N. & Moggridge, B. 2012. Assessment of code of practice for plantation forestry: Tasmania. CSIRO.

Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C., Silva, J.N.M., Bernardo, P., Souza, J. & Zweede, J. 2005. Compliance with reduced-impact harvesting guidelines by timber enterprises in terra firme forests of the Brazilian Amazon. International Forestry Review Vol.7 (1): 9-20.

Sessions, J. (ed.) 2010. Forest road operations in the Tropics. Springer, Berlin.

Sessions, J. (ed.) 2010. Harvesting operations in the tropics. Springer, Berlin.

Sessions, J. (ed.) 1994. International seminar on Forest operations under mountainous conditions. University of Harbin, IUFRO, FAO & FEI Inc.

Sessions, J. & Chung, W. (eds.) 1999. International mountain logging and 10th Pacific Northwest skyline symposium. Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University & IUFRO. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Spinelli, R., Secknus, M., Hartsough, B.R. & Francescato, V. 2007. Developing the forest-wood-energy chain through the reinforcement of forest owners associations. Press Service SRL, Sesto Fiorentino Osmannoro.

Sundberg, U. & Silversides, C.R. 1988. Operational efficiency in forestry. Volume 1. Analysis.  Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Sundberg, U. & Silversides, C.R. 1988. Operational efficiency in forestry. Volume 2. Practice.  Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Washington State University Extension. 1999. A primer for timber harvesting. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, Washington.

Wit, M. & van Dam, J. (eds.) 2010. Chainsaw milling: supplier to local markets. Tropenbos International, Wageningen.


Amazon Sat. Amazônia Rural - Sustainable forest management – Part 1 [Portuguese]. Online video clip. YouTube, 1 April 2014.

Freite, F. Forest management project of Grupo Orsa [English version]. Online video clip. YouTube, 19 April 2011.

Web links Logging-on. 2009. Last accessed 19.08.2014.