Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Market Analysis and Development of Forest-Based Enterprises

The Market Analysis and Development of Forest-Based Enterprises Module is intended for forest managers, forest user groups and landowners wishing to establish forest-based enterprises to generate sustained cash income from forests. The module outlines the principles that should be considered in a market analysis and development approach to the creation of forest enterprises, the key elements of enterprise development plans, and the steps to be taken in developing such plans. The module also provides links to tools and case studies to foster effective markets analysis and development of forest-based enterprises.

This publication is part of FAO’s work on forestry with focus on small-scale forest enterprise development and poverty reduction. This work was developed under FAO’s Strategic Programme on Reducing Rural Poverty.
This publication is part of FAO’s work on forestry with focus on small-scale forest enterprise development and poverty reduction. This work was developed under FAO’s StrategicProgramme on Reducing Rural Poverty.
This study is aimed at gaining an understanding of the poverty and vulnerability situation of forest-dependent communities in the United Republic of Tanzania and generating information on the availability of social protection interventions, with a view to identifying pathways for establishing sustainable social protection for these communities.
Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi is a video lecture series designed to be a primer on forest management for private landowners. Each of the 13 stand-alone videos address a topic from the Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi book, which can be downloaded at Viewers are encouraged to...
The Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) approach, developed by FAO, provides a training framework for local people to enhance small forest enterprises development, by which means they can improve their cash income. Within the context of a project funded by the EU, FAO has introduced the MA&D approach in the...
This working paper presents findings from a rapid appraisal and field study of the walnut value chain in Jalal-Abad province between March 28 and April 1, 2011. Thereafter, the Rural Development Fund research team devoted considerable time and effort to checking data and producing graphs and market maps for the...
Empowering local communities with the technical skills and resources necessary to achieve a regular income is vital when addressing many of the problems that afflict developing countries. The market analysis and development (MA&D) approach provides the crucial structures that are necessary to achieve this empowerment through sustainable forest management and...
This study is based on the experience on community-based forest enterprise development and on the existing enabling environment in the Gambia. It was done on the request of Forest Trends, in order to contribute to a wider study issued by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) on Community-based Forest...
Many World Heritage Sites are at risk from resource overuse and exploitation due to the livelihood needs of communities living in their surrounding areas, through creative and flexible implementation of the Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) approach developed by FAO. This working paper describes the community-based commercial enterprise development project...
This document presents the final results from the Mt Emei World Heritage Site (WHS) of the Community-Based Enterprise Development (CBED) project for Conservation of Biodiversity at World Heritage Sites. The overall objective of the project in both countries was to create viable community-based enterprises that improve livelihoods while providing incentives for...
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