Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Market Analysis and Development of Forest-Based Enterprises

The Market Analysis and Development of Forest-Based Enterprises Module is intended for forest managers, forest user groups and landowners wishing to establish forest-based enterprises to generate sustained cash income from forests. The module outlines the principles that should be considered in a market analysis and development approach to the creation of forest enterprises, the key elements of enterprise development plans, and the steps to be taken in developing such plans. The module also provides links to tools and case studies to foster effective markets analysis and development of forest-based enterprises.

Indigenous peoples and peasant communities have long been managing tropical forests and have increasingly gained legal access to the resource base. Only recently, however, have they started to form small and medium forest enterprises (SMFEs) to add value to their timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). SMFEs represent a promising...
Since 2000, the FD has introduced the Market Analysis & Development (MA&D) methodology in the 3 Regions of the country for use in the management of Community Forests the MA&D was adopted in 22 CFCs as a sustainable forest management and conservation tool. The purpose of this socio-economic evaluation of...
For many years, FAO and AgriCord have supported cooperation between individual farmers, groups and communities to improve agricultural production. Given the increasing amount of forest and forest land now managed and controlled by individuals and communities, the need to strengthen cooperation in terms of forest products (wood and non-wood) and...
The Forestry Department of FAO has been assisting the implementation of different kinds of projects focused on tree and forest product enterprises. The Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) methodology used in these projects has also been successfully applied to other resources and opportunities, in services such as community-based tourism projects,...
The lack of financial inputs and access to microfinance services is a problem for local producers of forest products, especially in the case of small-scale enterprises. This publication reviews major issues and constraints facing small-scale enterprises in developing countries trying to access microfinance services, and identifies ways to overcome these...
The Forestry Department of FAO has been assisting the implementation of different kinds of projects focused on tree and forest product enterprises. The Market Analysis and Development (MA&D) methodology used in these projects has also been successfully applied to other resources and opportunities, in services such as community-based tourism projects,...
The current demand for numerous popular plant species used for indigenous medicines exceeds supply. To date, several plant species, such as wild ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus) and the pepper-bark tree (Warburgia salutaris) have become extinct outside of protected areas in KwaZulu-Natal. The declining supply of indigenous medicinal plants is likely to...
In recent years, the government of Lao PDR has adopted a number of initiatives aimed at developing forestry and NWFPs. Other positive signs include such innovations as self-help groups and participatory enterprises at the local level, which show much promise of success. Innovative institutional arrangements have been sponsored and promoted...
This research work was commissioned to the Foundation for People and Community Development Inc (FPCD) Papua New Guinea (PNG), by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the Norway Partnership Programme (NPP) “Forests for Sustainable Livelihoods”. The paper dwells on trade-related instruments influencing trade in non-wood...
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