Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Forest Restoration

Welcome to the Forest Restoration Module, which is intended for people involved in forest restoration programmes.

The module provides basic background and more detailed information on forest restoration, as well as links to key tools and case studies of effective forest restoration efforts.

The East Usambara region of Tanzania is part of the Eastern Arc Forests biodiversity hotspot is part of the Global 200 Ecoregions of WWF. East Usambara is densely populated and its forests are suffering from degradation and fragmentation. WWF and its partners have been working in East Usambara since 2004...
The Guide of Good restoration Practices is a compilation of bibliographical research on ecological restoration and Mediterranean habitats, and contains a selection of 15 Good restoration Practices involving native plants that have been identified for different Mediterranean habitats, as well as a description of two pilot restoration actions. It is...
A novel approach to funding reforestation in Russia. Using a mobile app-based game called “Plant the Forest”, this young entrepreneur has raised funding for planting 400 000 trees in Russia.
This documentary showcases Ethiopia's success in sustainable land and water management. It highlights how a landscape approach was used to manage land, water and forest resources to meet the goals of food security and inclusive green growth. The lessons drawn are relevant for other countries in the region and other...
In southwest Ethiopia, an ambitious program restores degraded forest areas (2700 hectares), while helping local communities with carbon credit funds.
A recent report from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization shows the pace of deforestation worldwide slowed in the last decade. Clearing land for farming remains the leading cause of deforestation. But in Haiti, the loss of tree cover -- and the erosion that results -- have made it much...
The Prey Koki Forest in Svay Rieng Province was severely degraded during Cambodias years of conflict, after which surrounding villages were impoverished and demoralized. But in 1994, monks from Santi Sena, a local Buddhist organization, began working with local people to regenerate the forest.
2010 documentary detailing the Ballarat Region Treegrowers "Biorich Plantation" project at Lal Lal Victoria.
In Senegal, the Acacia project has involved the planting and managing of Acacia forests in arid lands helping combat desertification while providing life-changing benefits to local communities. With two thirds of the African continent now classified as desert or drylands and desertification affecting a quarter of the world's population, the...
Assisted Natural Regeneration is one of the silvicultural tools employed to combat deforestation and degradation; it consists of a variation of enrichment planting which was first developed for tropical forests with poor natural regeneration. Even though the technology is based on the ecological principle of secondary forest succession, utilizes natural...
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