Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Forestry Responses to Natural and Human-conflict Disasters

This module examines the role of forestry in mitigating natural and human-conflict disasters, and forest-related responses that might assist communities and ecosystems to recover in the wake of disasters in the short and longer terms. 

Uganda is currently hosting over 1.3 million refugees making it the largest refugee host country in Africa. The inflow of refugees is reported to have exacerbated a range of ongoing environmental impacts and associated challenges, including land degradation and woodland loss, resulting in inadequate access to energy for cooking and...
This report summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the assessment, updated to reflect the most recent (April 2019) refugee population figures. These are expected to guide WB support to the Government of Uganda (GoU)—including the Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP) and an IDA disbursement window for refugee-affected...
FAO, in collaboration with Djibouti’s Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fishery, Livestock and Marine Resources and Ministry of Housing, Urban Planning and Environment, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, conducted the study presented in this report to assess the use of Prosopis woody biomass as a source of energy...
The two waves of refugees from the Central African Republic has provoked one of the most severe humanitarian crises in Central Africa and in the South of Chad. The different camps around the city of Goré host a population of more than 90 000 individuals of which 35% are refugees,...
Uganda is host to more than 1 million refugees who have fled famine, conflict and insecurity in the neighbouring countries of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. The recent influx of refugees from South Sudan prompted one of Uganda’s most severe humanitarian emergencies and led to...
This film explains what agroforestry is and the myriad of contributions that it has made to Uganda. It starts in the highlands of Kabale, where trees on farms prevented landslides and floods, provided fruit to villagers and made their agriculture more sustainable. It then roams to the parklands of northern...
Trees and forests have an important role to play in both short-term and long-term disaster recovery efforts, as shown in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan. This article reports the activities undertaken afterwards and the lessons learned.
Watershed management is an effective approach to reducing disaster risk, as demonstrated by the increased resilience of the communities who applied the approach in Pakistan after the 2005 earthquake. This article shows how in this project, the participatory landscape approach has clearly increased the resilience of both the landscapes and the...
Reforestation projects have not only contributed to restoration of the environment and better resilience following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, but have also created employment. The impact of the activities, which were carried out over a relatively short period of time (2010-2013), was felt in the cities of Léogâne and Petit-Goâve. The...
The example of South Sudan, with its millions of displaced people, exposes the pressing need for sustainable supplies of woodfuel and efficient cooking technologies in the wake of emergencies, to ensure not only food security, health and safety but also environmental sustainability. This article draft some recommendations and highlights that: 1)...
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