Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Gender in Forestry

The Gender in Forestry Module is intended for forest and other land managers, land-use planners interested in the role of forests in sustainable development, and forest-related civil-society, non-governmental and private-sector organizations and associations.

The module provides basic and more detailed information on gender in forestry, as well as tools and case studies on gender mainstreaming in forestry.

Agarwal, B. 2010. Gender and green governance - The political economy of women's presence within and beyond community forestry. Oxford University Press. 516 p.

CPF. 2012. SFM and gender.

FAO. 2006. Time for action: changing the gender situation in forestry. Report of the team of specialists on gender and forestry. Rome. 

FAO. 2011. The state of food and agriculture. Rome. 

FAO. 2013. Forests, food security and gender: linkages, disparities and priorities for action. Background paper for the International conference on forests for food security and nutrition, FAO, Rome, 13–15 May, 2013. 

FAO. 2014. State of the world’s forests 2014. Rome.

Mwangi, E., Meinzen-Dick, R. & Yan Sun. 2011. Gender and sustainable forest management in East Africa and Latin America. Ecology and Society, 16(1): 17.

FPP. 2015. Indigenous women’s right and the inter-American system – A toolkit on mechanisms. Note #1-4. Forest Peoples Programme, UK. [English] [Spanish]

FPP. 2015. Indigenous women’s right and the inter-American system – A toolkit on mechanisms. Note #5-8. Forest Peoples Programme, UK. [English] [Spanish]

Stloukal, L., Holding, C., Kaaria, S., Guarascio, F. & Gunewardena, N. 2013. Forests, food security and gender. Unasylva, 64(241): 37–45.