Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Management of Non-Wood Forest Products

The Management of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) Module is aimed at all actors – such as local communities, the private sector, governments, traders and consumers – involved in the management, use and marketing of NWFPs. The module provides basic and more detailed information on the process of NWFP management, including planning, harvesting, marketing and trade.

The module also provides links to tools for NWFP management and case studies of effective management.

A vast variety of non-wood forest products (NWFP) are known. For millennia, forest dwellers have thrived on harvest of fruits, nuts, leaves, tubers, saps and medicinal products gathered from the forests. Due to over emphasis on timber production during most of the recent times, however, these products were neglected by...
This webpage, under the NWFPs website - contains a collection of studies and reports about the legal framework governing the NWFP sector in Central Africa, which can be easily accessed following the links. It represents a valuable resource for case studies in that African region.
The extraction of Brazil nuts is becoming increasingly important for the people living in the extractive reserves to support their local economies due to the decreasing opportunities offered by rubber tapping in the natural forests in view of the keen competition caused by rubber production in industrial plantations. As efficient collection,...
The diversity of forest management experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean shows that sustainable forest management is achievable and can be a highly competitive option in a variety of contexts. Communities, companies, NGOs and the state itself, which owns most of the forests in the region, have applied techniques...
Like all forest enterprises, community-based forest enterprises (CFEs) have a mixed record, with numerous cases of successes as well as failures. As the experience in developed countries attest, SMEs can emerge and flourish where the tenure and policy frameworks allow them to exist legally and compete fairly with large scale...
The role and value of plant gums and resins in Africa cannot be over-emphasised. The resources are found in hot and dry regions, where they are valuable in various ways. In countries bordering the Sahara, the plants have proved useful as windbreaks and shelter belts against desert encroachment and hence...
The papers in this publication were presented at the Seminar on Harvesting of Non-wood Forest Products, which was held from 2 to 8 october 2000 at the International Agro-Hydrology Research and Training Center in Menemen-Izmir (Turkey) at the invitation of the Ministry of Forestry and under the auspices of the...
The project Data Collection and Analysis for Sustainable Forest Management in ACP Countries - Linking National and International Efforts (GCP/INT/679/CE) was carried out in the context of the European Commission (EC) - FAO Partnership Programme in order to promote the sustainable use of trees and forests in African and Caribbean...
There are more than 600 species of rattans, of which only about 10 percent are traded internationally. A wide variety of terms and terminologies were used in the rattan sector worldwide, often with different meanings, or which were not well understood by many rattan users. An expert consultation on rattan,...
NWFPs are an important component of food and livelihood security in ACP countries. The development and sustainability of these resources depends upon judicious management which stay within the limits of production. Many NWFPs are wild species where production levels are determined by ecological processes rather than cultivation. An expert workshop held...
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