Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Management of Planted Forests

The Management of Planted Forests Module provides information on good practices for the establishment and management of planted forests. It can be seen as dealing principally with the silviculture of planted forests beginning where the module on Forest Reproductive Material stops. It is complemented by the modules on Wood Harvesting, Wood Energy, Forest Pests, Agroforestry, and Forest-based Enterprises. This includes guidance from site selection and choice of planting material through planting and tending.

Arriaga, V., Cervantes, V. & Vargas-Mena, A. 2006. Manual de reforestación con especies nativas: colecta y preservación de semillas, propagación y manejo de plantas. SEDESOL, Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México.

CABI International. 2002. Pines of Silvicultural Importance. CABI Publishing Series. Boston, MA, CABI Pub.

Carle, J. & Holmgren, P. 2003. Definitions related to planted forests. Paper presented at the UNFF inter-sessional expert meeting on The Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management - Maximizing Planted Forests' Contribution to SFM. Wellington, New Zealand, March 2003.

Carnus, J.-M., Parrotta, J., Brockerhoff, E., Arbez, M., Jactel, H., Kremer, A., Lamb, D., O’Hara, K. & Walters, B. 2006. Planted forests and biodiversity. Journal of Forestry, 104 (2) : 65-77.

Cossalter, C. & Pye-Smith, C. 2003. Fast-wood forestry. Myths and realities. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Jakarta, Indonesia.

Evans, J. (ed.) 2009. Planted forests: uses, impacts, and sustainability. CAB International & FAO.

Evans, J. & Turnbull, J. 2004. Plantation Forestry in the Tropics, 3rd edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Evans, J. 1999. Sustainability of forest plantations. The evidence. Department for International Development (DFID). London, UK.

FAO. several years. Working paper series on planted forests.

FAO. several years. Articles on planted forests published in Unasylva.

Foucard, J.C. 2008. Filière pépinière : de la production à la plantation. Tec & Doc Lavoisier.

Isebrands, J.G. & Richardson, J., eds. 2014. Poplars and willows : trees for society and the environment. Rome, Italy, Boston, MA : CABI ; Rome : FAO, [2014] ©2014. 634 pp.

International Congress on Planted Forests. 2013. Planted forests are a vital resource for future green economies. Summary Report of the 3rd International Congress on Planted Forests. Bordeaux, Dublin, Porto, Estoril.

ITTO. 1993. Guidelines for the establishment and sustainable management of planted tropical forests. Policy Development Series 4, Yokohama. Japan.

Matthews J.D. 1989. Silvicultural Systems. Oxford University Press.

Mead, D.J. 2013. Sustainable management of Pinus radiata plantations / by Donald J. Mead. FAO, ed. FAO forestry paper ; no. 170. 0258-6150. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Nambiar, E.K.S. 2019 Tamm Review: Re-imagining forestry and wood business: pathways to rural development, poverty alleviation and climate change mitigation in the tropics. Forest Ecology and Management. Volume 448, 15 September 2019, Pages 160-173.

Oxford Tropical Forestry Papers. (1968 - present) (available at

Tiarks, A., Nambiar, E.K.S. & Cossalter, C., 1998. Site management and productivity in tropical forest plantations. Occasional Paper no 16, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Jakarta, Indonesia.

Varmola, M., Florencia, Lee, D.,  Montagnini, F., Saramäki, J. & y Gautier, D. Funciones diversificadas de los bosques plantados.

Wadsworth, F. 2000. Producción forestal para América tropical. Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. Servicio Forestal, Manual de Agricultura. IUFRO-SPDC Textbook Project No. 3.

Wormald, T.J. 1992. Mixed and pure forest plantations in the tropics and subtropics. FAO forestry paper 103. Rome, Italy. 

Zhang, D. & Pearse, P.H. 2012. Forest Economics. UBC Press. 390 pp.

Web links ITTO - Project search. 2004-2014. Last accessed 17.05.2021.



Bauhus, J., van der Meer, P.J. & Kanninen, M. 2010. Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests. 1-254 pp.

Carle, J. & Holmgren, P. 2008. Wood from planted forests: a global outlook 2005-2030. Forest Products Journal, 58(12): 6–18.

Carnus, J.-M., Parrotta, J., Brockerhoff, E., Arbez, M., Jactel, H., Kremer, A., Lamb, D., O’Hara, K. & Walters, B. 2006. Planted forests and biodiversity. Journal of Forestry, 104(2): 65–77.

Chidumayo, E.N. & Gumbo, D.J. 2010. The dry forests and woodlands of Africa: Managing for products and services. E.N. Chidumayo & D.J. Gumbo, eds. London, UK, Earthscan Publications. 1-288 pp. (also available at

Duryea, M.L. & Dougherty, P.M. 1991. Forest Regeneration Manual. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 425 pp.

Dykstra, D.P. & Heinrich, R. 1996. FAO model code of forest harvesting practice. Rome, Italy, FAO. (also available at

Evans, J. 2009. Planted forests: uses, impacts, and sustainability. 224 pp. (also available at

Evans, J. & Turnbull, J.W. 2004. Plantation forestry in the tropics: the role, silviculture, and use of planted forest for industrial, social, environmental, and agroforestry purposes. Oxford (United Kingdom) Oxford Univ. Press.

FAO. 2006. Responsible management of planted forests: voluntary guidelines. Rome, Italy. 73 pp. (also available at

FAO. 2010. Planted forests in sustainable forest management. A statement of principles. FAO, p. Rome, Italy. (also available at

FAO. 2014. The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. Rome, Italy, FAO. 304 pp. (also available at

FAO. 2018. Global forest resources assessment 2020: Terms and Definitions. Rome, Italy. 32 pp. (also available at

FAO. 2020. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020: Main Report. Rome, Italy. (also available at

FAO & UNCCD. 2015. Sustainable financing for forest and landscape restoration: Key Messages

ILO. 1998. Safety and health in forestry work: An ILO code of practice. Geneva, Switzerland. (also available at

Jürgensen, C., Kollert, W. & Lebedys, A. 2014. Assessment of industrial roundwood production from planted forests. FAO Planted Forests and Trees Working Paper , FP/48/E(48): 40. (also available at

Lamb, D. 2011. Regreening the Bare Hills : Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region.

M. Kenis, B.P.H., Colombari, F., Lawson, S., Sun, J., Wilken, C., Weeks, R. & Sathyapala, S. 2019. Guide to the classical biological control of insect pests in planted and natural forests. 113 pp. (also available at

Midgley, S.J., Stevens, P.R. & Arnold, R.J. 2017. Hidden assets: Asia’s smallholder wood resources and their contribution to supply chains of commercial wood. Australian Forestry, 80(1): 10–25.

Oliver, C.D., Nassar, N.T., Lippke, B.R. & McCarter, J.B. 2014. Carbon, Fossil Fuel, and Biodiversity Mitigation With Wood and Forests. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 33(3): 248–275.

Payn, T., Carnus, J.M., Freer-Smith, P., Kimberley, M., Kollert, W., Liu, S., Orazio, C., Rodriguez, L., Silva, L.N. & Wingfield, M.J. 2015. Changes in planted forests and future global implications. Forest Ecology and Management, 352: 57–67.

Silva, L.N., Freer-Smith, P. & Madsen, P. 2019. Production, restoration, mitigation: a new generation of plantations. New Forests, 50(2): 153–168.

Stanturf, J.A., Palik, B.J. & Dumroese, R.K. 2014. Contemporary forest restoration: A review emphasizing function. Forest Ecology and Management, 331: 292–323.

Webb, D.B., Wood, P.D., Smith, J.P. & Henman, G.S. 1984. A Guide to Species Selection for Tropical and sub-Tropical Plantations. Oxford, UK, Oxford : Oxford University Press. 266 pp.

Zhang, D. & Pearse, P.H. 2012. Forest Economics. UBC Press. 390 pp. (also available at