Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Protected Areas

This module is intended for forest managers, practitioners, policymakers, and others who want to know more about the planning and management of protected areas and about their uses, benefits, governance, challenges and potential.
This module provides both basic and more detailed information on the planning and management of protected areas, with forest-specific considerations where appropriate. It also provides links to tools and case studies to showcase the various aspects of sustainable management of protected areas, including those where a significant portion of the area is natural forest.

The majority of Iranian protected areas are being affected by human activities. Such areas demand continuous monitoring into account due to quality loss problem. This study identifies the weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities and threats of Bashgol protected area and analyzes them using SWOT matrix in order to...
This study assesses local knowledge and perceptions of biodiversity issues among members of specific co-management insistutions, and among local people who do not belong to these bodies. The study considers how local knowledge is incorporated into park management. The findings reveal that the current co-management Council and Committee members possess...
This chapter examines the issue pertaining to the community participation in the PA with particular reference to Taman Negara Pahang. Interviews are conducted with local communities that are living in Pahang National Park, specifically in Kuala Tahan vicinity. The data analyzes three features to a community engagement process: (i) the...
Using a semi-experimental BACI research design, this study assesses the environmental effectiveness of two highly related multiple-use protected area (PA) categories of European relevance at preventing land development: Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). By doing so, it intends to discriminate the effect of legal...
The potential conflicts as well as synergies between Natura 2000 areas are rarely studied with respect to the marginal change of regional and local development brought about by conservation policies. This chapter presents empirical evidence on the linkages between Natura 2000 areas and local development in Austrian municipalities. The...
The benefits of transboundary conservation are numerous and obvious to those familiar with the negative impacts of fragmentation on ecosystem functionality. However, to successfully facilitate the cooperation required to achieve effective transboundary conservation, the process can be complex, costly and long. The Guidelines contain many transboundary conservation case study examples...
This report aims to discuss the full spectrum of compensatory conservation activities undertaken by companies in the context of particular development projects. It covers not only biodiversity offsets that achieve net gain or no net loss of biodiversity, but also compensatory conservation measures, which provide some form of reparation...
Assessing the management effectiveness of a protected area system can enable policymakers to develop strategic, system wide responses to pervasive management problems. The World Wide Fund for Nature International has developed the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) methodology. This article summarizes results from the implementation of...
This briefing paper presents a summary of the findings and recommendations arising out of three case studies of Indigenous partnerships in the management of protected areas in Australia. The case studies were commissioned by the Poola Foundation (Tom Kantor Fund) in response to a joint proposal by the Australian Collaboration...
Eliciting the economic benefits provided by protected areas is important in order to ensure that they are properly considered in policy and decision making. There are relatively few studies that provide a comprehensive overview of the economic benefits provided by European forest ecosystems, in spite of the large share of...
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