Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Social Protection and Forestry

This module is intended for governments, development organizations and civil society working and advocating for expanding social protection systems for all, including forest-dependent people (FDP) and forest-dependent communities (FDC). This module provides basic and in-depth information on the rationale and approaches for extending social protection systems to forest-dependent people and forest-dependent communities to achieve social (e.g. access to health care), economic (e.g. better income security) and environmental objectives (e.g. sustainable management of forests).

This module was developed with the kind collaboration of the following people and/or institutions:

Initiator(s): Qiang Ma - FAO, Forestry Division and Greta Campora – FAO, Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division

Reviewer(s) within FAO:

Mari Kangasniemi (ESP)

Qiushi Yue (ESP)

Garima Bhalla (ESP)

Gala Dahlet (ESP)

Singh, Digvijay (FAORAP)

Reviewer(s) outside FAO:

Christina Behrendt (ILO)

Alix Machiels (ILO)

Elisenda Estruch Puertas (ILO)

Waltteri Katajamaki (ILO)

Wondimagegn Mesfin Tesfaye (WB)

Davina Osei (Leiden Uni.)