Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


الأداة هي مصدر يوظف لدعم تنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للغابات وتوجيهها. ويشتمل هذا القسم على جميع الأدوات المتاحة في مجموعة أدوات لإدارة المستدامة للغابات التي قد تكون على شكل إصدارات أو مقاطع فيديو حول التعلم الإلكتروني أو برمجيات وما إلى ذلك.

بوسعكم تصفح "الأدوات" من خلال كتابة كلمات أساسية في مربع البحث المجاني أو بإمكانكم تضييق نطاق البحث باستخدام فلاتر موجودة على الجانب الأيمن من الصفحة.

Forests and conflict is a theme that deserves more attention than it is recently receiving. On the one hand, conflict is a common part of forest management and, depending on how we respond to it, can be a major force for better forest management and positive social change. On the...
Every year large-scale floods in the Asian lowlands affect the personal and economic fortunes of millions of people. To many people involved in developing disaster-reduction strategies and flood-mitigation management, it appears that the intensity of floods has increased in the region in recent decades. A common - and perhaps understandable...
Understanding the role that trees and forests can play in preventing landslides is increasingly important as sloping areas in Asia are further developed and the impacts of climate change affect the region. The roles of trees and forests in rehabilitating landslides-affected areas are also important because of the impacts of...
This publication sets out to provide a review of how community forestry has evolved over the period since it first came to prominence in the mid-1970s. "Community forestry" is interpreted as "any situation that intimately involves local people in forestry activity' (FAO, 1978). It therefore covers a broad range of...
Protected areas are the cornerstone of virtually all national and international conservation policies. They play a critical role in conservation of biodiversity, maintaining genetic resources, protecting important ecosystem functions and helping to protect many fragile human communities and cultural landscapes. Despite their importance, there is much confusion about Forest Protected...
The objective of this course is to learn about the Enhanced Transparency Framework (EFT) under the Paris Agreement. It will be useful to those wishing to understand the importance of forest-related data collection, analysis and dissemination in meeting the Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking this...
The International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with Bioversity International, the Center for International Forestry Research, the World Agroforestry Centre and the World Bank. This technical meeting was attended by more than...
The availability and quality of clean water in many regions of the world is more and more threatened by overuse, misuse and pollution. In this context, the relationship between forests and water must be accorded high priority. Forested catchments supply a high proportion of the water for domestic, agricultural, industrial...
Forests provide, directly or indirectly, important health benefits for all people – not only those whose lives are closely intertwined with forest ecosystems, but also people far from forests, including urban populations. Recognition of the importance of forests for food security and nutrition has significantly increased in recent years, but...
This poster is a graphic representation of the information contained in the working paper Forests for human health and well-being – strengthening the forest–health–nutrition nexus (FAO, 2020). Sources for all facts and figures can be found there.