Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


الأداة هي مصدر يوظف لدعم تنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للغابات وتوجيهها. ويشتمل هذا القسم على جميع الأدوات المتاحة في مجموعة أدوات لإدارة المستدامة للغابات التي قد تكون على شكل إصدارات أو مقاطع فيديو حول التعلم الإلكتروني أو برمجيات وما إلى ذلك.

بوسعكم تصفح "الأدوات" من خلال كتابة كلمات أساسية في مربع البحث المجاني أو بإمكانكم تضييق نطاق البحث باستخدام فلاتر موجودة على الجانب الأيمن من الصفحة.

The EMoNFUr project is a EU funded project (LIFE+ 10 ENV/IT/399) created by ERSAF (Regional Authority for Agriculture and Forests Services), the Slovenian Forest Institute, and Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmen. The purpose of this project is to establish a monitoring network of the urban and periurban lowland forests to...
The Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) Toolkit website can be used by anyone managing a large population of trees in or near urban areas. The Toolkit website is intended to help urban forest managers develop management plans that are appropriate for their urban forests. Developing an urban forest management plan is...
The Urban Forestry Manual is being developed by the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, the Southern Research Station, and the Southern Group of State Foresters as an educational tool for State forestry agency employees and others who work with communities on urban forestry issues. It can be used for self-guided learning,...
This animation explains how to use urban forests to fight air pollution and the urban heat island effect. See how cities can add in millions of trees.
The VERITAS Timber Volume Calculator (VERITAS Calculator) is an electronic application designed to calculate in a practical and timely manner the relationship between the standing timber volume of a tree and its expected timber volume of sawn wood per grades according to the NHLA grading rules. The application provides electronic calculations of...
The degradation of ecosystems, including forests, and the associated loss of biodiversity, particularly due to human-induced threats and climate change, has gained increased attention from scientists and policymakers. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment presented a new conceptual framework that puts ecosystem services at the centre and links human well-being to the...
Best Management Practices can be adopted by landowners, natural resource agencies, and forestry industries to optimally manage their natural resources. Best management practices for vernal pools address the pool itself and the surrounding habitat. The first step to managing vernal pools at a site is to develop a management...
FAO carries out this mandate and seeks to assist countries and the world community by providing relevant, timely, realistic, reliable and useful information for application in reviewing policies, promoting multilateral cooperation and taking appropriate investment actions for the sustainable management of forest resources; and to support international cooperation in harmonizing...
The purpose of these Voluntary Guidelines is to serve as a reference and to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all and to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in...
Safe access to cooking fuel is critical for the most vulnerable in humanitarian, transition and development settings. Without it, people face risks to their health, safety and well-being. A survey conducted in 17 countries where the World Food Programme (WFP) operates confirmed that beneficiaries often resort to negative coping mechanisms...