Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A tool is a resource that supports and guides the implementation of SFM. This section includes all the tools available in the SFM Toolbox, which can be in form of publications, e-learning videos, software etc.

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Soil erosion and land degradation have negative ‘on-site’ and ‘off-site’ effects: on the fields the topsoil is being removed by water fl owing over the soil surface. These ‘on-site’ processes lead to a decrease in soil quality as most nutrients are present in the topsoil. So erosion leads to impoverishment...
This review analyses and summarizes impact evaluation findings that focus on the interaction between agricultural interventions (including rural extension services, rural development, natural resource management, access to markets, subsidized credit, investment grants, access to improved seeds and fertilizer subsidies), and social protection interventions, with specific attention to social assistance such...
This review analyses and summarizes impact evaluation findings that focus on the interaction between agricultural interventions (including rural extension services, rural development, natural resource management, access to markets, subsidized credit, investment grants, access to improved seeds and fertilizer subsidies), and social protection interventions, with specific attention to social assistance such...
The book includes information on 270 species of vascular plants observed during our surveys conducted in more than 50 islands in Maldives. It deals with the common native as well as all alien plants which are currently occuring in the Islands. Information provided includes the current valid name of the...
This document integrates and updates issues concerning trees and their management for human safety, bringing together concepts from several other national guidance documents. In recent years, many owners and managers of trees have been seeking clear and concise guidance on what is expected of them in terms of fulfilling their moral...
This review is guided by the Project FireFight South East Asia (PFFSEA), with the aim to document successful community experiences with forest fires and analyse those political, institutional, economic and cultural elements that enable local communities to actively engage in preventing uncontrolled burning. The use of fires to clear land...
This training package examines conflict within forest resource use and community-based forest management and offers strategies for managing it. In forest resource management, conflict in its many forms is inevitable and unavoidable. Most people working in community forestry would say that conflict comes with the territory. Forest resources are central...
This training package examines conflict within forest resource use and community-based forest management and offers strategies for managing it. In forest resource management, conflict in its many forms is inevitable and unavoidable. Most people working in community forestry would say that conflict comes with the territory. Forest resources are central...
The process of continuous observation of the environment and adaptation of action is at the core of ecological monitoring which is the issue of this manual. Ecological monitoring is not meant to limit the use of natural resources and to limit options for development but is a way of wise...
Fire is a natural disturbance event that has also been used by humans for millennia as a tool to manipulate their environment. Fire still plays an essential role in many societies today; however, fire is not always used appropriately and can often be damaging. The danger is exacerbated by issues...