Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox


A tool is a resource that supports and guides the implementation of SFM. This section includes all the tools available in the SFM Toolbox, which can be in form of publications, e-learning videos, software etc.

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This handbook covers all aspects of managing a native plant nursery, from initial planning through crop production to establishing trials to improving nursery productivity into the future. It was written to assist Native Americans in growing native plants and draws extensively on tribal activities for the many photos and specific...
The present working paper is primarily intended for producer organizations, trade unions, vocational training institutes, extensionists, instructors and relevant public bodies.The document addresses the forest as a work place, safety culture, workplace assessment, accident prevention and management, child labour, gender issues and selected health and safety issues. Reliable statistics on...
This article deals with the inventory and assessment of TOF - inventory being the process of finding out quantitatively and qualitatively how much of a resource there is, and assessment the process of putting the inventory data into a context and assigning values to the resource. The focus is on...
Open Foris is a set of free and open-source software tools that facilitates flexible and efficient data collection, analysis and reporting. These tools are used to support countries in gathering, producing and disseminating reliable information on the state of forest resources that is vital to decision makers and other stakeholders....
OpenEI is growing into a global leader in the energy data realm - specifically analyses on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The platform is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia’s one, with which many people are already familiar. Users can view, edit, and add data – and download data for free....
This procedures manual is the third in a series of technical manuals intended to provide clear, technical guidance on the various stages of implementing a Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) management strategy in the lowland and hill dipterocarp forests of Indonesia. Despite the complex, multi-levelled planning requirement by the Indonesian Ministry...
The e-learning on the ‘National socioeconomic surveys in forestry’ comprises four courses that aim to provide guidance on the use of forestry modules to collect data on the socioeconomic contributions of forests and non-forests environments to household welfare and livelihoods. This course describes the key aspects relevant for operationalising the...
The terms “landscape” and “landscape approach” have been increasingly applied within the international environmental realm, with many international organizations and nongovernmental organizations using landscapes as an area of focus for addressing multiple objectives, usually related to both environmental and social goals. However, despite a wealth of literature on landscapes and...
Organization development (OD) is an important area of capacity development practice to improve food and nutrition security, reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. OD is a powerful instrument that helps to analyse and engage in complex situations or contexts and discover effective ways to promote processes of organizational change. Learning...
This document provides the Management Plan Outline developed under the National Protected Areas Policy and System Plan and the Forest Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, to be adopted for the terrestrial and marine protected areas system of Belize. This manual aims to provide further guidance,...