Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Methods and tools for assessing the vulnerability of forests and people to climate change

Author Locatelli, B., Herawati, H., Brockhaus, M., Idinoba, M. & Kanninen, M.
Year of publication 2008
Adaptation is necessary for reducing the impacts of climate change on forests and societies. So far, forests, forest ecosystem services, and forest-dependent people or sectors have not been adequately represented in adaptation studies or policies, even though many methods and tools are available to help scientists or practitioners address questions related to vulnerability and adaptation. Methods and tools can help identify the impacts of climate change at the global, national, sectoral or local scale and bring useful results for policies on climate change. Other methods and tools aim at assessing local vulnerability for prioritising policy interventions or developing and monitoring adaptation responses. This working paper by the Center for International Forestry Research provides an overview of methods and tools suitable for assessing the vulnerability of forests, forest environmental services and forest-dependent people and sectors to climate change. It provides a typology of methods and tools and gives examples.
Type of Tool
Guidelines, manual, kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility