Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

PaDIL - Plant Biosecurity Toolbox (PBT)

PaDIL is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with Museum Victoria, Plant Health Australia, the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia and the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre. Its website has a network of initiatives related to biosecurity that can be shared also on global scale. One of the initiatives is the Plant Biosecurity Toolbox (PBT) which provides detailed, web-based diagnostic information to assist with the rapid identification of exotic plant pests and diseases in the event of an incursion. The comprehensive resources of the toolbox include: information on biology and taxonomy of the pest; diagnostic morphological, biochemical and molecular tests; images of the pest, host symptoms and damage. The PBT was developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for National Plant Biosecurity (CRCNPB). It centralises diagnostic information in recognition of the need for diagnosticians and plant health workers to have quick and easy access to accurate diagnostic resources.
Type of Tool
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility