Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

World Forestry Congress 2015: Community-based mangrove management in southwest Madagascar

Year of publication 2015
Honko was recently chosen to present the work of their partner community resource management group VOI Mamelo Honko in a video that was presented at the XIV World Forestry Congress​ in Durban, under the category "Improving governance by building capacity". We showed the work that the VOI had achieved since it was set up, and explained a little about our role in its work as well. It was a great honour to have the video shown at such an important congress, and hopefully help spread the word about the ways communities can be empowered to manage their own natural resources.
Type of Tool
Video or audio
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
Mangroves and coastal forests
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility