Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Operational considerations for reduced impact logging

Author Klassen A.
Year of publication 2005
This procedures manual is the third in a series of technical manuals intended to provide clear, technical guidance on the various stages of implementing a Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) management strategy in the lowland and hill dipterocarp forests of Indonesia. Despite the complex, multi-levelled planning requirement by the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, most forest operations are conducted without site-specific planning of the logging activity. The result is excessive impact on the residual stand and on environmental attributes such as soil and water. In addition, which trees and how much volume the company is allowed to harvest, is strictly regulated, however, what is wasted during the logging operation, is completely overlooked: current policy permits concession companies to select only the best wood while providing no incentive for better utilization, or penalty, for wasting large quantities of good quality wood. Reduced Impact Logging takes a holistic view and encourages efficiency within the logging operation, as well as the adoption of practical measures to ensure that the impact of the logging operation is minimized. The manual aims to maximize efficiency in the operation at economic level so as to realize the full economic potential of the forest from an environmental perspective.
Type of Tool
Guidelines, manual, kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility
Private sector (medium/large scale), Community/Smallholders