Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Growing green assets: removing constraints to private sector investment in forestry in Asia and the Pacific

Year of publication 2010
Why is there not more private-sector investment in forestry in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in developing countries? Why is it that investors continue to favour North America, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America and the European Union in their forestry-related investment decisions? And why are domestic investors in Asia-Pacific countries largely avoiding the forestry sector? These questions have received significant attention over the past several years, especially from public sector forestry agencies. APFC requested FAO to coordinated a regional policy study of the factors influencing private sector investments in forestry and opportunities for removing unnecessary constraints. The APFC particularly ?urged member countries to review policies and regulation, with the aim of removing unnecessary constraints to private-sector investment?. The nine country studies and this regional analysis are the result of that policy study. This overview chapter sets the scene by providing the background and context as it relates to the purpose of the regional study. It also includes a synthesis of the most salient themes and key messages revealed in the country case studies. The structure of this synthesis follows that of the country studies, specifically outlining: Patterns of resource ownership; Broad constraints deterring private sector investments; Analyses of legislative and non-legislative constraints; and Suggestions for removing or reducing these constraints.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility