Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Guide to forest land use planning

Year of publication 1999
This Guide to Forest Land Use Planning provides a comprehensive source of information on the laws and policies respecting the use of public forest land in British Columbia. Most land use planning takes place within the framework of these laws and policies. By becoming familiar with them, those of you involved in forest land use planning will better understand the structure, hierarchy and intent of the planning process. An integral part of land use planning is the use of “designations” which explicitly define permissible land use activities within a specific area. The appropriate use of such designations can be a powerful tool with which to achieve certain land use objectives. This Guide explains the full range of land use designation options, and clarifies how these designations can be incorporated into the planning process. Land use planning is governed by a plethora of laws, regulations, guidebooks, policies and directives, making it impossible to provide an exhaustive guide in a single, usable volume. This Guide will, however, provide you with all the basic information. Through the sources cited for further reference, you will be able to find your way to more detailed information where required.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility